Clubs & Organizations Updated June 17, 2024


Name Description
Debate Team Want to improve your oratorical skills? Would you be interested in becoming more confident or developing advanced research, organizational, critical thinking or time management abilities? Our debate team can help pave the way for your future by helping you become all of this and more, so come join our family! The debate team welcomes you!
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) encourages its members to live out their faith in Christ on and off the playing field. FCA meets every Thursday during high school lunch for a devotional message and prayer. FCA is open to all students in grades 9 through 12.
Fellowship of Christian Students (FCS) Fellowship of Christian Students welcome all students in grades sixth through eighth to join this Christian Organization that features guest speakers from around the Orangeburg area. Students participate in devotion, praying, games, and charity events.  This group meets every Thursday at lunch. This is an awesome way to fellowship with friends and get closer to God. Please come and join!
High School Academic Quiz Bowl The High School Academic Quiz Bowl team participates in the SCISA Regional Quiz Bowl Tournament held each October. Team members are invited by the sponsor from Honors / AP  English and Math classes. The team practices for two-three weeks leading up to the tournament. Winners and high-scoring teams become eligible for the SCISA State Quiz Bowl Tournament held November.
High School Math Team The High School Math Team is comprised of six students - five team members and one alternate. The team members are usually chosen from the Junior and Senior classes and are students who excel in higher level mathematics. During the school year, the Math Team practices for an annual competition with other SCISA Division I schools. The competition is usually held in January and is comprised of a written test and a speed round. Each year, the High School Math Team represents Orangeburg Prep academically well during the competition.
Junior Student Council Junior Student Council is formed to provide leadership through a stable government for the students of the Middle School. The Junior Student Council is responsible for promoting school spirit through various activities and also supporting the Senior Student Council. The Junior Student Council takes part in supporting charities and projects in the community throughout the school year.
Key Club Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership through competent, capable, and caring leaders through the vehicle of service.
Key Club International is the high school organization sponsored by Kiwanis International. Key Club assists Kiwanis in carrying out its mission to serve the children of the world. High school student members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels. Key Club meets the third Tuesday of each month during lunch.
Middle School Academic Team The Middle School Academic Team is comprised of seventh and eighth grade students who are knowledgeable in Math, Science, History, Language, Literature, Music, Art, Spelling, current events, and Government. They practice once a week in preparation for the Regional SCISA Middle School Academic Quiz Bowl in February. The winner of each Regional Quiz Bowl then competes in the Middle School State Quiz Bowl
Middle School Math Team The Middle School Math Team is composed of seventh and eighth grade students who demonstrate excellence in mathematics These students practice weekly during lunch in September and October in order to prepare for the SCISA Math Meet which takes place in late October.
National Honor Society Membership in the National Honor Society is by invitation only and is open to juniors and seniors with a 4.0 or above GPA who also meet the requirements of character, leadership, and service.  The chapter is very active in school and community activities such as adopting families referred from our local hospice for Thanksgiving and Christmas, offering free face painting at all home football games, and entertaining our three-year-old day care children with an Easter Egg hunt complete with the Easter Bunny.  All funds raised are given back to the school or various local charities.Selection of Members
Section 1. To be eligible for membership, the candidate must be a member of those classes (sophomore, junior, senior) designated eligible in the chapter bylaws. (Freshmen [ninth graders] are not eligible.) Candidates must have attended the school for the equivalent of one semester.
Section 2. The national minimum standard for scholarship shall be a cumulative scholastic average of at least 4.0 or the equivalent standard of excellence. Candidates shall then be evaluated based on service, leadership, and character. See NHS handbook for full description of
the four criteria.
Section 3. The selection of each member to the chapter shall be by a majority vote of the Faculty Council. Prior to notification of any candidates, the chapter adviser shall review with the principal the results of the Faculty Council’s deliberations.
National Junior Honor Society Membership in the National Junior Honor Society is by invitation only and is open to eighth and ninth graders who have earned a cumulative 4.0 GPA beginning with their sixth grade year. These students must also meet the requirements of character, leadership, service, and citizenship. Our chapter is active in service. We will have one group service project during the school year. Our members are required to earn a certain number of service hours each year (5 minimum) and can do so in the community or within our school.
Senior Student Council Senior Student Council is an organization designed to aid the school and surrounding community in charitable activities. Student Council is responsible for governing the Upper School Student Body, as well as promoting school spirit and organizing school functions (Halloween Carnival, Homecoming, etc.). Student Council is also continuously involved with school and community service projects.
The Tribe The Tribe is comprised of students in grades 6th through 12th whose blood runs red, white, and gray. The Tribe always has a strong showing of support at all Orangeburg Prep athletic events. Sponsoring theme nights for all athletic teams, The Tribe has continued to show great support for Indian sports.
Yearbook The Yearbook staff is considered to be a club activity for some students. Editors must be seniors with a 3.5 GPA or better. Section editors are usually made up of senior students and the business editor, and staff are comprised of junior level students. The yearbook activity club is opened to all High School students and meets several times a year to support the efforts of the Editor Staff.