Admission to Orangeburg Preparatory Schools is competitive. OPS seeks students with good character, diverse interests, and a willingness to work in a challenging environment. A prospective student’s admission is based upon previous academic records, recommendations, an interview, and may require an entrance examination.
As early as possible, students seeking admission should have an application completed and returned to the school office. An admiminstrator will contact you to schedule an appointment for assessment. Supporting material for that application will be requested at that time. If a student is qualified and a position is available, parents will be offered a contract for the upcoming year. If a grade is fully enrolled, parents will be offered the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list.
To fill out an application for admission, you can print out an application by clicking here. Applications can be filled out and signed electronically using Adobe Acrobat available here. Please send it to the appropriate address below. A non refundable $150 application fee is required for all NEW students, grades Pre-4 through 12. This fee must accompany the application to insure enrollment. You can mail this application to:
Application for grades 6-12: Orangeburg Preparatory Schools, Attention: Mrs. Sherry Rutland, 2651 North Road, Orangeburg, South Carolina 29118
Application for grades Pre4 through 5th grades: Orangeburg Preparatory Schools, Attention: Mrs. Ali Weathers, 168 Prep Street, Orangeburg, South Carolina 29118
Copies of the following documents must accompany this application to begin the admission's process:
- Birth certificate
- South Carolina DHEC immunization*
- Most recent report card
- Standardized test scores
- Transcripts
*"Any new applicant shall not be admitted to Orangeburg Preparatory Schools, LLC or it’s
Child Development Center without first presenting a valid South Carolina Certificate of
Immunization. Exceptions to this policy shall be made for medical conditions only as
approved by administration. Consideration for admission of non-immunized children
must be submitted to administration in writing along with a South Carolina medical
exemption form completed by a physician, an explanation from said physician as to why
the named child is deemed appropriate for the medical exemption, and any other
supporting documentation as requested by administration of Orangeburg Preparatory
Schools, LLC.”